5 Questions for a Factory Owner in Iraqi Kurdistan

Tiziano Reporter, Muhemmed Nawzad, asks a local factory owner in Erbil, Iraq five questions about what he does.

How did you start and develop your work?

Our company developed step by step. We started out with simple work at the begining, mastering machines inside the factories, traveling to do repairs, working in a small shop and then in a bigger one. Because of economic sanctions in 1991, our mission changed and we started to produce necessities for the market here in Kurdistan.

What does your company do now?

We produce market nessecities but particularly concrete factory machines, gears and any other machinery that factories request. We import raw materials from China, Italy and Turkey and sometimes an entire broken machine. Then, we fix it.

How is the demand in Kurdistan?

We only build machines when a factory requests something, so we never have to wait to sell them. Our demand is good here in Kurdistan.

Do you face obstacles working in Kurdistan?

We do face obstacles: not enough of qualified technicians, lack of water and electricity.

The problem is quality. We use the first type quality materials from Ukraine. And the others use fourth type of Iranian metal, but it's not as good. People don't know. They are just asking for the low price.

What influence does your factory have on Kurdistan?

We've trained 35 people here and now they work independently in Erbil's industrial zone. We have built machinery for nearly 700 factories up to today.


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