5 Questions for a Soccer Player in Mogadishu

Abdinashir Mohamed Guled spends five minutes asking a soccer player in Mogadishu five questions.

What is your name and where are you from?

My name is Abdiwali Abukar, I come from the Middle Shabelle region and am a striker with the Somalia national football team.

How does the World Cup being in South Africa make you feel?

This year's world cup makes me feel special because my continent, Africa, is hosting. It will help our reputation and benefit everyone in Africa. I must say it is great for Africa, mainly because of reputation and economy.

Do you have a football hero? If not, who is your hero?

Yes, my football hero is Lionel Messi, he is magic and controls the ball the way he wants regardless of who is guarding him, I must say he has the most support around the world. I pretend to play like him!

How popular is football in Mogadishu compared to other sports?

Somalis are usually football fans, it's the most popular form of entertainment but in the last few years it has become less fun, Islamists banned it for being irreligious, but I am sure Somalis will play football again in the future.

If you could talk to a soccer player in New York what would ask?

If I would meet a soccer player in New York I would ask why they always are beaten in the world matches as they have every means of support from their country. I know money cannot make you winner but I would ask why
they never do. I would also ask him if he ever came under attack from fans because of disappointment with matches or losing.

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