The Tiziano Project | reporters

Chris Mendez

Chris Mendez is currently a Web Applications Developer for the University of Southern California. He is interested in all areas of usability and experience design, from social interoperability to user collaboration. Chris has contributed to many online projects including multimedia packages for and

Chris is currently earning a master's degree in Communication Management from the Annenberg School for Communication from the University of Southern California with concentrations in web marketing and management.

In his free time Chris enjoys recording and producing music as well as traveling to remote destinations.

Recent Reports

Test Your Kurdistan Knowledge

By Chris Mendez on Aug 6, 2010 | No Comments

Rebels, revolts, occupiers and parties: Test your prowess of Iraqi Kurdistan's recent history.

The Tiziano Project provides community members in conflict, post-conflict, and underreported regions with the equipment, training, and affiliations necessary to report their stories and improve their lives.