5 Questions for a Florist in Iraqi Kurdistan

Tiziano Reporter, Sahar Alani, asks a local florist in Erbil, Iraq five questions about what he does.

Who helped you to start this business?

One of my friends, and he was a close friend, encouraged me during a trip to Lebanon in 2000 and I started this work.

Why do did you choose this job?

I don't know exactly why I chose this job, I liked the idea and since my childhood I cared about plants and flowers. I just liked the idea.

When did you start your first step towards this work?

When I was in Lebanon in 2001, I gathered my resources and I started my first shop.

Where did you start?

My first job was in Beirut in 2001. Then I began thinking about returning to Iraq. It's my country. The safest place was Erbil. I came back from Beirut and I opened my shop in 2007.

What do you feel when you prepare a bouquet of flowers?

It's a very nice feeling to make a wedding bouquet because the bride and groom are both flowers in their wedding party and I make them more beautiful with the real flowers, I make them happier.


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